Tuesday, December 31, 2013
She made it!!!
Leilani made it over the goal!!! We raised $1000 for her!!!! Now the rest of them need over!!!! Thatcher is next up!!!! http://reecesrainbow.org/56159/thatcher then all the following kids!!! I believe we can get all of this years AT kids over that wall in 3 hours. But only with your help!!!!!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Angel Tree, Christmas, and The Pleven Project
There is only 5 days left of the first angel tree I ever did. I have raised $564 dollars. Didn't reach my goal but I am still very grateful that I was able to raise that much for miss Leilani. Precious Leilani is still waiting for her family. I'm going to continue to advocate for her and other Reece's Rainbow kids of course. I will still have fund raisers to raise money for these orphans who are so lonely. My dream is to find a home for at least one orphan off of Reece's rainbow. But now wasn't the right time and the only person who knows who that orphan will be and who that family is and when I will share the picture of that child and when the family will see it and everything else that goes through the adoption process is God. He just has to lead me.
Thank you God for helping me raise five hundred and sixty-four dollars for Leilani.
I meant to do a Merry Christmas post yesterday or Christmas Eve but I got really sick and didn't move off the couch for about 3 days. I'm still recovering but I am feeling much better. I think I had a really bad cold or the flu. Not fun. I hope you had a very very merry Christmas. I had a wonderful day spent with family and friends. I got a new camera that I can't wait to go on adventures with and share the memories with you all. My brother got me awesome number stickers for my bike. My grandma knows me so well, she got me a giant stuffed elephant and 3 smaller elephants. I got a pink "I am Second" sweatshirt as well as a necklace from the Life Without Limbs foundation.
Just before Christmas I was catching up on The Blessing of Verity blog and I came across the blog post that announced the name of the project to help the children of the Pleven baby house. A few months earlier I had entered a couple of name ideas for this project, one being The Pleven Project. I received an email stating that my idea helped create the name for the project. I was super excited but I was on my way to school when I got that email so I didn't check the blog that day. Turns out that it got named The P.L.E.V.E.N. Project. So check out the website. Get a shirt or two and donate. Look around especially at the pictures.
This is what it stands for....
Thank you God for helping me raise five hundred and sixty-four dollars for Leilani.
I meant to do a Merry Christmas post yesterday or Christmas Eve but I got really sick and didn't move off the couch for about 3 days. I'm still recovering but I am feeling much better. I think I had a really bad cold or the flu. Not fun. I hope you had a very very merry Christmas. I had a wonderful day spent with family and friends. I got a new camera that I can't wait to go on adventures with and share the memories with you all. My brother got me awesome number stickers for my bike. My grandma knows me so well, she got me a giant stuffed elephant and 3 smaller elephants. I got a pink "I am Second" sweatshirt as well as a necklace from the Life Without Limbs foundation.
Just before Christmas I was catching up on The Blessing of Verity blog and I came across the blog post that announced the name of the project to help the children of the Pleven baby house. A few months earlier I had entered a couple of name ideas for this project, one being The Pleven Project. I received an email stating that my idea helped create the name for the project. I was super excited but I was on my way to school when I got that email so I didn't check the blog that day. Turns out that it got named The P.L.E.V.E.N. Project. So check out the website. Get a shirt or two and donate. Look around especially at the pictures.
This is what it stands for....
Every child
No exceptions
Merry Christmas
Much love,
Friday, December 13, 2013
The Heart of Christmas
During this busy Christmas season whether you're out buying Christmas presents, attending cookie exchanges, attending Christmas parties and family gatherings you can't forget what the Heart of Christmas really is. A couple of songs that constantly remind me of this is The Christmas Shoes by NewSong and The Heart of Christmas by Matthew West. (don't listen to Christmas Shoes without kleenex nearby)
Is this the year that you start a new traditon of donating to a family in need, or an orphan, or maybe the Humane Society. Just remember Christmas isn't just about receiving presents. It is about celebrating the Birth of our Savior. And giving and spending time with family. But most importantly celebrating the birth of Christ.
If you were in the shoes of the man who was behind the little boy who was buying the shoes for his sick mom, would you have stepped up to help pay?
Last night at youth group we put ourselves in the shoes of some people in the story of Christ's birth. We put ourselves in the shoes of the innkeeper, the shepherds, and Mary's. What would you do if you were the innkeeper, a shepherd, or even Mary?
Think about it, let me know.
Much Love,
P.S. We have raised $488 for Leilani. Almost halfway there!! But 3/4ths of the way done. If you feel led to donate let me know! I will tell you how!
Is this the year that you start a new traditon of donating to a family in need, or an orphan, or maybe the Humane Society. Just remember Christmas isn't just about receiving presents. It is about celebrating the Birth of our Savior. And giving and spending time with family. But most importantly celebrating the birth of Christ.
If you were in the shoes of the man who was behind the little boy who was buying the shoes for his sick mom, would you have stepped up to help pay?
Last night at youth group we put ourselves in the shoes of some people in the story of Christ's birth. We put ourselves in the shoes of the innkeeper, the shepherds, and Mary's. What would you do if you were the innkeeper, a shepherd, or even Mary?
Think about it, let me know.
Much Love,
P.S. We have raised $488 for Leilani. Almost halfway there!! But 3/4ths of the way done. If you feel led to donate let me know! I will tell you how!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
This Thanksgiving I am going to be super grateful. Because I know that the thousands of orphans are praying and hoping that one day they will have what I have, or even half of what I have. Kids that are praying for a family to take them out of their cribs and to love them for the rest of their life. I can't even think of where I would be or who I would be now without my family. They are who I am.
I'm going to make a list of some of the things I am thankful for, It would take me days to list everything I am thankful for.
This list goes on and on and on.
Hope everyone has a SUPER blessed Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for??
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm going to make a list of some of the things I am thankful for, It would take me days to list everything I am thankful for.
- Being saved from my sins by my Savior who died on the cross for me
- my family, mom, dad, brother, brother's girlfriend, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins
- my dog, Honey
- my job
- my cousin Taylor
- the Bible
- food
- school (especially my English and biology teachers, and my fitness and weights class)
- that I was able to go on my missions trip over the summer
- my warm bed
- my cell phone
- hot water
- 3 + meals a day
- Grace Church Sr. High group
- Friends
- Friends
- and more Friends
- heaters
- winter coats
- for all of the people who are in the process of adopting their kids or who have already adopted them
- the Holy Spirit for living inside me
This list goes on and on and on.
Hope everyone has a SUPER blessed Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for??
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 25, 2013
I am Second
Today I am second. I will never be first, EVER. I am third. I can be any number but first. No matter how hard I try, I will never be first. I don't ever want to be first. One day I hope to meet the One who is first in my life. I don't know when or how but He does.
You may have heard of this line of videos on youtube called I am Second. They interview famous people to hear their testimony. At the end of every video the person says their name and then says "And I am Second".
Do you know what the phrase "I am Second" means? It means God is first and I am second. Some people may refer to the acronym JOY. Jesus, Others, Yourself. Yes that is also true but these videos have inspired me in many ways. Sujo John reminds me that I need to share the Word of God with everyone for I don't know when their last day will be or when my last day will be. If I put it off and wait they may never get to hear the amazing news.
Sujo John and his wife worked in the twin towers. Sujo worked in the north tower and his wife in the south. His story is amazing. He was just having a typical morning at work just like all of the other people in those towers on that awful day of September 11. He was doing something as casual of sending a fax out at the fax machine. Then the unthinkable happened. The plane crashed into the north tower. Him and everyone else run down stairs to get outside. His wife is 4 months pregnant. The building starts shaking. He thinks "If this tower goes down I may never get to see my wife or the baby she is carrying." Once they get down he sees bodies on the pavement of people who have jumped out of the plane and the building. Everyone had the fear of death on their face. He was trying to call her but the cell phones weren't working. He talks to people who are around to him and as they hear the other plane crash into the South Tower. He starts crying out to Jesus. He asks 15-20 people around him to do the same. After a while he trys to go find his wife. Not knowing if he would ever find her. He decides to go back to those people who he cried out to Jesus with. Only to find their bodies which were crushed by the building and debris. He hears God say to him "They made their peace to me in their dying moments and now they are resting to me." He gets out to a small shop where a woman pulls him in. She reaches for his phone to try and contact his family. Sujo started to tell her what he thought had happened to his wife. While the woman had his phone it rang. It was his wife. He answered with a lot of fear. But when he answered, it was his wife. She had been running late and didn't make it to work when the buildings were hit.
This is basically his whole story but go watch the video. Watch other videos and tell me which ones are inspirational to you and why.
God Bless, Happy Thanksgiving!
P.S. $473 dollars have been donated to my beautiful angel tree babe Leilani. Thanks to everyone who has donated!!!!! God is good!!!
You may have heard of this line of videos on youtube called I am Second. They interview famous people to hear their testimony. At the end of every video the person says their name and then says "And I am Second".
Do you know what the phrase "I am Second" means? It means God is first and I am second. Some people may refer to the acronym JOY. Jesus, Others, Yourself. Yes that is also true but these videos have inspired me in many ways. Sujo John reminds me that I need to share the Word of God with everyone for I don't know when their last day will be or when my last day will be. If I put it off and wait they may never get to hear the amazing news.
Sujo John and his wife worked in the twin towers. Sujo worked in the north tower and his wife in the south. His story is amazing. He was just having a typical morning at work just like all of the other people in those towers on that awful day of September 11. He was doing something as casual of sending a fax out at the fax machine. Then the unthinkable happened. The plane crashed into the north tower. Him and everyone else run down stairs to get outside. His wife is 4 months pregnant. The building starts shaking. He thinks "If this tower goes down I may never get to see my wife or the baby she is carrying." Once they get down he sees bodies on the pavement of people who have jumped out of the plane and the building. Everyone had the fear of death on their face. He was trying to call her but the cell phones weren't working. He talks to people who are around to him and as they hear the other plane crash into the South Tower. He starts crying out to Jesus. He asks 15-20 people around him to do the same. After a while he trys to go find his wife. Not knowing if he would ever find her. He decides to go back to those people who he cried out to Jesus with. Only to find their bodies which were crushed by the building and debris. He hears God say to him "They made their peace to me in their dying moments and now they are resting to me." He gets out to a small shop where a woman pulls him in. She reaches for his phone to try and contact his family. Sujo started to tell her what he thought had happened to his wife. While the woman had his phone it rang. It was his wife. He answered with a lot of fear. But when he answered, it was his wife. She had been running late and didn't make it to work when the buildings were hit.
This is basically his whole story but go watch the video. Watch other videos and tell me which ones are inspirational to you and why.
God Bless, Happy Thanksgiving!
P.S. $473 dollars have been donated to my beautiful angel tree babe Leilani. Thanks to everyone who has donated!!!!! God is good!!!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Hot Chocolate!!!
Yesterday, I had a hot chocolate stand in front of my house to raise money for Leilani. I was surprised that very few people came even though it was so cold. Surprisingly we did raise $95 dollars for her!! We had 5 customers. I knew all but one of them. So Later today I will put that money onto Leilani's fund. I'm still hoping to get to that $1000 mark before New Years. We can do it!!!!!!
Friday, November 8, 2013
Every Thursday (and Sunday), I go and meet with a wonderful youth group at my church. Last night in our small group discussion we talked about being branded, what are Christians branded as a whole. What do you think of when you think of Christians? I think of people who love the Lord. But I'm sure other people think of other things like judgmental, no fun, etc. It was also pointed out to me that Christians tend to argue about things and complain about the world today. I thought of that as a challenge. For all of today I have tried not to complain. Not whine about being cold or tired. Not complain about being hungry or thirsty. It put me in a better mood. Out of the whole day, I only complained twice. Once for having to take notes in History, and the other was for something just as silly. It also put me in perspective. Looking back on today and writing this post I realized that there are people who are freezing. People who don't have a heated house to come home to. People who are exhausted, working multiple jobs just to provide food for their families. People, children who are starving and parched. People who would be thankful to have to take notes in a high school history class. Thankful for things that I complain about. Just little things like taking notes in a history class.
So, I have a challenge for you. How long can you go with out complaining? Just try, for one day. See if it makes your day better. When I realized today that every single thing I complained about was something that people were praying for. I realized that I am a selfish person who complains about the stupidest things. Today was an amazing day because I didn't complain. I thought before I said anything. I thought about each and every thing before I said it. Well maybe not everything but more than I usually do. I just stopped complaining for a day. One school and work day (and it is Friday so I did have to clean preschool bathrooms) and I held my tongue and didn't complain. So, I did it. Why can't you. I challenge you to not complain (or try not to complain) for one whole day. Whether it is a week day where you have to work or go to school. Just try. Let me know how it made you feel and how many times you complained (if you complained at all) that whole day. I hope it will effect you like it did me.
Much love and God bless,
P.S. don't forget to donate to Leilani!! She is at $122 dollars raised!!!!!
So, I have a challenge for you. How long can you go with out complaining? Just try, for one day. See if it makes your day better. When I realized today that every single thing I complained about was something that people were praying for. I realized that I am a selfish person who complains about the stupidest things. Today was an amazing day because I didn't complain. I thought before I said anything. I thought about each and every thing before I said it. Well maybe not everything but more than I usually do. I just stopped complaining for a day. One school and work day (and it is Friday so I did have to clean preschool bathrooms) and I held my tongue and didn't complain. So, I did it. Why can't you. I challenge you to not complain (or try not to complain) for one whole day. Whether it is a week day where you have to work or go to school. Just try. Let me know how it made you feel and how many times you complained (if you complained at all) that whole day. I hope it will effect you like it did me.
Much love and God bless,
P.S. don't forget to donate to Leilani!! She is at $122 dollars raised!!!!!
Saturday, November 2, 2013
How to Donate to Leilani
There are a couple of different ways to donate to this Angel. One way is to go through me. You can mail/ give me money or a check and I will donate it for you. You can also do it yourself through RR. Go here and scroll way down to the $0-$99 and it is in alphabetical order once you get down to the $0 because that is how much she still has. Find Leilani, click donate (you can donate $35 and get an ornament or just donate), if you click the $35 for the ornament it will add a donation of $35 to your gift basket, if you click donate you can do a PayPal donation. Type in your donation amount and click the "Check out with PayPal button at the bottom of the page.
Thank you so much!!!!!!
Thank you so much!!!!!!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
My Angel Tree babe
The moment you all have been waiting for has finally come!!! This time tomorrow you can start donating to my Angel for Reece's Rainbow annual Christmas Tree. Today I get to tell you who my child is. I have advocated for her on my blog before but the next two months she will be the star of my blog. Please join me to donate to this beautiful baby. And help me advocate to find her forever family. We all know she needs it. This sweet angel has hydrocephalus (with shunt), spastic tetraparesis, convulsive disorder, Hep.B, valgus feet, and optic discs atrophy. She was born in March of 2009 making her 6 years old. She looks smaller than the average 1 year old. Probably weighs less too. My angel tree baby is.......
To donate to her (STARTING TOMORROW NOVEMBER 1st) go here and use paypal. You can also mail me money and I will donate it through our paypal. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Much love,
To donate to her (STARTING TOMORROW NOVEMBER 1st) go here and use paypal. You can also mail me money and I will donate it through our paypal. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Much love,
Sunday, October 20, 2013
My Own Little World
I'm sure you have heard Matthew West's song, My Own Little World. But have you really listened to the words? The words that say "Father, break my heart for what breaks Yours"? Do you know what those words are meaning? Sure I listen to music. But do I always listen to the words or pay attention to what the songs mean? No, hardly ever. Some songs I am surprised by what the words are saying as they are so amazing and inspiring and other times I am shocked at how terrible they are. Even though they have a good beat doesn't mean it has good things to be singing and praising about. Today's music is disgusting. They are about terrible things that I don't want to be singing about. They have a good beat and they get stuck in my head and I find myself singing them.
Anyways, back to the Matthew West song. In it it says "break my heart for what breaks Yours". To me that is saying that so many things make God sad. The things He sees going on in the world. For example, the orphans whom are being so mistreated and the people who are living on their streets. The video of this song is focusing on people who are homeless. But I can relate to it by how my heart breaks for orphans. "Break my heart for what breaks Yours," He breaks my heart for the orphans because it breaks his heart. "That my own little world is not about me" That is a hard one for most people to understand, including me. It is hard for people to realize that the world is not about them. There are 7 billion other people on this earth. Too many don't have what I have. I am very fortunate to have what I have.
All of the orphans who have next to nothing, all of the people living in third world countries have next to nothing. I have so much stuff that I do not NEED but want or would like to have. I am very grateful for what I have. Operation Christmas Child is starting up again. If you don't know, Operation Christmas Child has volunteers everywhere who fill up shoe boxes with toys, drawing/coloring stuff, toothbrushes, socks, gloves, hats, and many more. Then they mail them off for orphans everywhere. Imagine how thankful they are to receive these. They are thankful for things that we are accustom to having. We are so used to having socks on our feet every day and being able to brush our teeth twice a day. This year take the time to buy stuff for a shoebox to make a Child's Christmas dream come true!
In MY own little world, God breaks my heart for mistreated orphans with disabilities. I am coming to the realization that the world is NOT about me. I know less than 200 people out of the 7 billion people whom I share the earth with. God is showing me what is in the bigger picture of my world. The orphans, how many people there actually are who are affected by job loss, disablities, losing their houses. It is happening everywhere!!!! All over the whole entire WORLD. These things are happening all day every day!!!!
The chorus of this song sings
"What if there's a bigger picture?
What if I'm missing out?
What if there's a greater purpose?
I could be living right now
Outside my own little world"
What if there is a bigger picture?
What if I am missing out?
What if there is a greater purpose?
And I am living in my own bubble with my few friends.
Slowly, my eyes are being opened to the bigger picture, slowing I am seeing what I have been missing out on, slowly I am seeing what my greater purpose is, and I am slowly getting out of my bubble to reach out to all of the other people here on earth with me. But it is all slowly happening. In God's timing. NOT mine. '
Good night, God Bless,
Think about this tonight.
Anyways, back to the Matthew West song. In it it says "break my heart for what breaks Yours". To me that is saying that so many things make God sad. The things He sees going on in the world. For example, the orphans whom are being so mistreated and the people who are living on their streets. The video of this song is focusing on people who are homeless. But I can relate to it by how my heart breaks for orphans. "Break my heart for what breaks Yours," He breaks my heart for the orphans because it breaks his heart. "That my own little world is not about me" That is a hard one for most people to understand, including me. It is hard for people to realize that the world is not about them. There are 7 billion other people on this earth. Too many don't have what I have. I am very fortunate to have what I have.
All of the orphans who have next to nothing, all of the people living in third world countries have next to nothing. I have so much stuff that I do not NEED but want or would like to have. I am very grateful for what I have. Operation Christmas Child is starting up again. If you don't know, Operation Christmas Child has volunteers everywhere who fill up shoe boxes with toys, drawing/coloring stuff, toothbrushes, socks, gloves, hats, and many more. Then they mail them off for orphans everywhere. Imagine how thankful they are to receive these. They are thankful for things that we are accustom to having. We are so used to having socks on our feet every day and being able to brush our teeth twice a day. This year take the time to buy stuff for a shoebox to make a Child's Christmas dream come true!
In MY own little world, God breaks my heart for mistreated orphans with disabilities. I am coming to the realization that the world is NOT about me. I know less than 200 people out of the 7 billion people whom I share the earth with. God is showing me what is in the bigger picture of my world. The orphans, how many people there actually are who are affected by job loss, disablities, losing their houses. It is happening everywhere!!!! All over the whole entire WORLD. These things are happening all day every day!!!!
The chorus of this song sings
"What if there's a bigger picture?
What if I'm missing out?
What if there's a greater purpose?
I could be living right now
Outside my own little world"
What if there is a bigger picture?
What if I am missing out?
What if there is a greater purpose?
And I am living in my own bubble with my few friends.
Slowly, my eyes are being opened to the bigger picture, slowing I am seeing what I have been missing out on, slowly I am seeing what my greater purpose is, and I am slowly getting out of my bubble to reach out to all of the other people here on earth with me. But it is all slowly happening. In God's timing. NOT mine. '
Good night, God Bless,
Think about this tonight.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
SO Many Orphans
Every time I go on the Reece's Rainbow website there are more orphans. Whether I am on the Newly Listed page or any other page, there are always kids I have never seen or noticed before. It is nothing new to them to not be seen or noticed though. These children have grown accustom to being left alone for day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year. They don't even know what it is like to be loved. Just simply given a kiss on the forehead when they are sleeping or a hug before school. They don't know how it feels. They may never even know how it feels.
Many of these kids will die in these terrible orphanages. Like Monet, Kyle, Connor, Declan and many many many more. God took them home before their family found them. Or after they found them but before they could rescue them.
Look at this little beauty. Kyra. She is one of the Newly Listed children. I accidentally clicked on that page today. The first face I saw was Kyra's. The first thing I noticed was how skinny she was. She is basically just skin and bones.
What about all of the kids that have been transferred or are facing transfer? The children who are already in institutions will continue to live their short, bedridden life there. The children whom are facing transfer chances are getting slimmer and slimmer of finding a family. Each day that passes is one less day that they have to find a family and one more day they have of being unloved without a mommy and daddy.
Wendy has already been transferred. She was transferred before she was seven years young. But there is still hope for this beauty. She can still be adopted. She can still be rescued from living the rest of her life in a bed by her self. But each day she goes her chances get slimmer and slimmer. She needs a family. And Fast!
Sheppard has until June 2014. He will turn 16 and age out of his orphanage. That is only 8 months away. EIGHT MONTHS!!!!!!!!!! A family needs to commit to rescuing him. Eight months is going to fly by. Unless you are stuck in an orphanage waiting and longing for a family. Just hoping one day a family will come in for YOU not one of the other kids. A family who is coming to take you out of there for forever. A family who is going to love you and nurture you for the rest of your life. A family who is going to get you the nutrition that you need for your disabilities. But you start to loose hope. Help these kids find hope that there is good in the world. That there are good people in the world.
Sheppard only has HIV. He only has to take 2 pills every morning. That is his only disability!
Please! Help me find hope for these kids who have no hope. Who don't even know what it is like to live outside of an orphanage. Who day after day watch other kids go home with people who will love them. And they are just left there. Whether they are able to walk around and play or aren't that does NOT mean that they don't need to be loved. People are crazy for leaving their own children at orphanages just because they have disabilities or have been in an accident that changed their life. They still need to be loved. Maybe even more. Find their Hope!
Many of these kids will die in these terrible orphanages. Like Monet, Kyle, Connor, Declan and many many many more. God took them home before their family found them. Or after they found them but before they could rescue them.
Look at this little beauty. Kyra. She is one of the Newly Listed children. I accidentally clicked on that page today. The first face I saw was Kyra's. The first thing I noticed was how skinny she was. She is basically just skin and bones.
What about all of the kids that have been transferred or are facing transfer? The children who are already in institutions will continue to live their short, bedridden life there. The children whom are facing transfer chances are getting slimmer and slimmer of finding a family. Each day that passes is one less day that they have to find a family and one more day they have of being unloved without a mommy and daddy.
Wendy has already been transferred. She was transferred before she was seven years young. But there is still hope for this beauty. She can still be adopted. She can still be rescued from living the rest of her life in a bed by her self. But each day she goes her chances get slimmer and slimmer. She needs a family. And Fast!
Sheppard has until June 2014. He will turn 16 and age out of his orphanage. That is only 8 months away. EIGHT MONTHS!!!!!!!!!! A family needs to commit to rescuing him. Eight months is going to fly by. Unless you are stuck in an orphanage waiting and longing for a family. Just hoping one day a family will come in for YOU not one of the other kids. A family who is coming to take you out of there for forever. A family who is going to love you and nurture you for the rest of your life. A family who is going to get you the nutrition that you need for your disabilities. But you start to loose hope. Help these kids find hope that there is good in the world. That there are good people in the world.
Please! Help me find hope for these kids who have no hope. Who don't even know what it is like to live outside of an orphanage. Who day after day watch other kids go home with people who will love them. And they are just left there. Whether they are able to walk around and play or aren't that does NOT mean that they don't need to be loved. People are crazy for leaving their own children at orphanages just because they have disabilities or have been in an accident that changed their life. They still need to be loved. Maybe even more. Find their Hope!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
15 Days
Only Fifteen more days until you get to find out who is my Angel for this years Angel Tree Warrior program through Reece's Rainbow. I can hardly wait!!!! I hope everyone will come together and share and donate to my Angel. I want to get her out in the world so that everyone will know her. Well maybe not everyone but at least closer to her family. She really needs a family!!!
My goal is to raise $1000 more than what she has as of October 31. Any donation given to this Angel between November 1 and December 31 will be counted as the money I have raised for her.
I want to do some fundraisers. Maybe a Hot Chocolate stand? I was thinking maybe a Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner where we bring in donations for my Angel. Haven't quite decided how that will work though. If you have any thoughts or suggestions I would greatly appreciate them!!!!
I will have a total of 2 months to do this for this sweet little girl. I ask that you will join me in prayer every day that we will raise enough money for this little one, and most importantly that we will find her forever family. She has been waiting for too long for her family.
If anyone would like to help me with fundraising let me know!!! Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!!
Love, Dakota
My goal is to raise $1000 more than what she has as of October 31. Any donation given to this Angel between November 1 and December 31 will be counted as the money I have raised for her.
I want to do some fundraisers. Maybe a Hot Chocolate stand? I was thinking maybe a Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner where we bring in donations for my Angel. Haven't quite decided how that will work though. If you have any thoughts or suggestions I would greatly appreciate them!!!!
I will have a total of 2 months to do this for this sweet little girl. I ask that you will join me in prayer every day that we will raise enough money for this little one, and most importantly that we will find her forever family. She has been waiting for too long for her family.
If anyone would like to help me with fundraising let me know!!! Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!!
Love, Dakota
Brenton Update
Back in August I posted about an almost 16 year old. He is now 16 andddddddddd HE HAS A FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He has been moved to RR's My Family Found Me page!!!!!!!!!!
Here is my last post about Mr. Brenton.
And here he is on the MFFM page on RR. (you have to scroll down a little bit)
He did it! God did it!! He found a family for yet another child who was about to live the rest of his life unloved. He now has a family who will come rescue him shortly.
Brenton, Your family is on their way to come rescue you and love you for the rest of your life. Hang in there buddy!
Here is my last post about Mr. Brenton.
And here he is on the MFFM page on RR. (you have to scroll down a little bit)
He did it! God did it!! He found a family for yet another child who was about to live the rest of his life unloved. He now has a family who will come rescue him shortly.
Brenton, Your family is on their way to come rescue you and love you for the rest of your life. Hang in there buddy!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Christmas Tree Warrior
Every year RR does a Christmas Angel Tree program. Each child with DS and 2 children from each other category gets a Warrior. The Warriors have to raise $1000 more than what the child already has. I voted for two children from each category. They tallied it up. I picked one child whom I will not say yet. Donations start on November 1. Will you please help me raise the money for my Angel?
I will tell you that I have shared her on my facebook. It is a girl. There is a link on her RR Profile that takes you here to my blog. If you think you know who she is let me know!!!
I can't wait!!!!!
I will tell you that I have shared her on my facebook. It is a girl. There is a link on her RR Profile that takes you here to my blog. If you think you know who she is let me know!!!
I can't wait!!!!!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Nick Vujicic
I am writing an essay for English on a man named Nick Vujicic. Pronounced Voo-yi-chich. He was born with no arms or legs. Only a little foot. His testimony is AMAZING. Oh my gosh. He is so amazing. He was raised in a Christian household. But as you can imagine being "different" from everyone else isn't always the happiest thing. He became depressed as a child around age 8. At age 10 he was so depressed he tried to drown himself in the bathtub. He couldn't do it. He couldn't leave his family. He was born in 1982 in Australia. When his parents were expecting him they did not have a clue that he was not going to have limbs. They were shocked when they saw him when he was born. Even the 3 sonograms failed to show that he had no limbs. At age 19 he spoke at his first speaking engagement. In 2005 he started a non-profit organization called Life Without Limbs. Not only is he known world wide for his speaking he also sings, writes and acts. He has wrote two books. The Life Without Limbs book and the Unstoppable book. He has one song that has been released called Something More. Great song. In 2012 on February 12 he got married to a woman named Kanae. About 6 months ago they had their first child. A boy named Kiyoshi. He and his family live in Southern California since 2007. Nick has traveled all around the world to over 44 countries. Speaking in all of them. He has met Joni Eareckson Tada and Bethany Hamilton. When he was with Bethany he learned to surf. He has two younger siblings. Aaron and Michelle. He has a little foot that he uses to type and text. Using his little foot he can get around on a skateboard and swim.
I could go on and on but I have to go shower and get to bed. I hope you enjoy reading about Nick as much as I do.
Much Love and God Bless,
I could go on and on but I have to go shower and get to bed. I hope you enjoy reading about Nick as much as I do.
Much Love and God Bless,
Sunday, September 8, 2013
To Love and to be Loved
You know that feeling of being loved? Do you know how much you love to feel loved? Do you know how many children have never been loved by a mommy or daddy? Do you know how many children died without being loved? On RR there is a page called "In Loving Memory" it is with all the children who died in their orphanage before their mommy and daddy found them. It breaks my heart to see all these sweet faces that have never had a mommy and daddy to tuck them into bed, pray with them, cook them dinner, drive them to school, tell them "I love you". What is even more sad is that there is over 40(!) kids on the "In Loving Memory" page. 40!!! All 40+ of these kids never knew what it was like to be loved. This song is for you little ones who are in Heaven, Dancing in the Sky.
Since 2006 Reece's Rainbow has found homes for 885 kids! That is 885 kids that are being loved by mommies and daddies as I type. To all 885 kids in homes with families that love them. This one is for you. It was Meant to Be.
To all the kids that are still waiting. This song is for you. You are an Overcomer! Be patient. Your mommy and daddy are out there some where. Waiting for you. Maybe they know that you are theirs, maybe God hasn't told them yet. But they are out there. You have a special place in someones heart.
Tonight take a special time and make sure you show how much you love your family. Give longer, tighter hugs. Be extra thankful for your families whom love you. And care for you day in and day out. Be thankful that you can do as you please. Say an extra prayer for the kids that are still waiting along with those that are in homes. All 885 kids in homes and the countless kids that are still waiting for families. Hopefully, God willing they will all have a family one day. Remember, you are blessed!!!!
Since 2006 Reece's Rainbow has found homes for 885 kids! That is 885 kids that are being loved by mommies and daddies as I type. To all 885 kids in homes with families that love them. This one is for you. It was Meant to Be.
To all the kids that are still waiting. This song is for you. You are an Overcomer! Be patient. Your mommy and daddy are out there some where. Waiting for you. Maybe they know that you are theirs, maybe God hasn't told them yet. But they are out there. You have a special place in someones heart.
Tonight take a special time and make sure you show how much you love your family. Give longer, tighter hugs. Be extra thankful for your families whom love you. And care for you day in and day out. Be thankful that you can do as you please. Say an extra prayer for the kids that are still waiting along with those that are in homes. All 885 kids in homes and the countless kids that are still waiting for families. Hopefully, God willing they will all have a family one day. Remember, you are blessed!!!!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Little 2 year old Donna has spent 2 too many years in her crib. We need to work together to get her out of there!!! From the picture she looks very malnourished. She has a variety of disabilities that caused her to be abandoned at this terrible orphanage. She has hydrocephalus (internal hydrocephalus as a result of suffered
meningitis); spastic tetraparesis; prematurity; retinopathy of
prematurity; collapse of lungs; prenatal infection; heart disease: open arterial duct (condition after surgery on August
10, 2011), open oval window, anomalous chord of the left heart
ventricle. Doesn't that just break your heart??? She needs a mommy and daddy to love her for the rest of her life. STARTING TODAY!!!!!!! Are you her mommy? Or Daddy?? Do you know her mommy and daddy??? Lets work on getting miss Donna a family. AND FAST!!!!! Before it is too late!!! Advocate and donate this little angel.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Today on my mission I have decided to advocate Mr. Phoenix. He is a bedridden 9 year old boy. He suffers from many different disabilities. The ones that are listed on his RR profile are Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, epilepsy, hydrocephaly, and deep mental handicap. My goodness, I wish I could adopt all of these kids!!! I hope and pray that through this mission I will help find the forever family of many of these kids! Please help me!!! Share my blog, share these kids, donate, PRAY, anything!!! Even though Phoenix is bedridden he still smiles. Just imagine how big his smile would be if he had a forever family!
All of these poor bedridden kids whom have been abandoned by the family who gave birth to them because they were different. That is SO not right!!! It frustrates me. If I was old enough I would be adopting a child. A bedridden child who has never been loved. God used The Blessing of Verity blog and the TTM at Taylor Tots blog to move my heart to be where it is now. I am so happy that there are people out there who will adopt those unwanted children. I just wish there were more of them! All of the adoption websites can only have so many kids on there. There are so many more out there! The ones in institutions, the ones who have already passed and I am sure there are some that people don't think they have a chance to be adopted, THEY DO!!! God will bring the right person/family around to adopt these kids. He has a plan for them!!!! Please, PLEASE help me find families for all of these orphans!! PLEASE!!!!
All of these poor bedridden kids whom have been abandoned by the family who gave birth to them because they were different. That is SO not right!!! It frustrates me. If I was old enough I would be adopting a child. A bedridden child who has never been loved. God used The Blessing of Verity blog and the TTM at Taylor Tots blog to move my heart to be where it is now. I am so happy that there are people out there who will adopt those unwanted children. I just wish there were more of them! All of the adoption websites can only have so many kids on there. There are so many more out there! The ones in institutions, the ones who have already passed and I am sure there are some that people don't think they have a chance to be adopted, THEY DO!!! God will bring the right person/family around to adopt these kids. He has a plan for them!!!! Please, PLEASE help me find families for all of these orphans!! PLEASE!!!!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
This is day 3 of my journey to find families for all the children with disabilties.
Today I am sharing about Emil. Emil is 13 (14 in December). He has Down Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy. From someone who met him in 2012 "Emil was the gentlest child ever! Unable to talk but the pleading in his eyes killed me! He grabbed my finger and wouldn’t let go…what a grip! He also got really hit a few times by others wanting my attention, he didn’t retaliate but fell in a heap and moved away, only to return when the coast was clear. I would love to see this child in a nurturing environment!"
http://reecesrainbow.org/51164/emil visit his profile on RR and donate and share about this wonderful sweet boy! Help me find him a forever family!!!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Reign, this 13 year old girl is bedridden in her orphanage. By her pictures you wouldn't be able to tell she was 13. Just by looking at these pictures I would have thought she was maybe 3. According to her Reece's Rainbow profile she has Cerebral palsy, deep mental handicap. That is why she is bedridden. Who knows how long she has been there in her bed. Possibly for all 13, almost 14 years of her sweet life. It boggles my mind why parents wouldn't want their kids just because they "aren't normal". Or maybe they aren't learning with all the other kids. They may not be like everyone else. But I am not like anyone else either. Even twins are different. No one is the same. Everyone is different in their own ways. God doesn't think of Reign as different. He has a plan for her. He has a family picked out for her. Sweet Reign, You have a family. If God doesn't think of Reign as different, why should we? We shouldn't. In Genesis 1:26 it says "Then God said, " Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness,..." He made us in his own image. All of us. Just because someone has a different ability doesn't mean they should be bedridden for their whole life.
Let's work together to find this little beauty a family. She needs one! Please get the word out on miss Reign. She will be 14 in December! Nothing is impossible when God is on your side.

Reign, we will help you find your family!!!
Let's work together to find this little beauty a family. She needs one! Please get the word out on miss Reign. She will be 14 in December! Nothing is impossible when God is on your side.
Reign, we will help you find your family!!!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Every day or at least once a week I am going to post about a orphan or a special person to me with a disability. I hope that through this I will help find one or more orphan's a family. Maybe you are this orphans parents. Or maybe you know them. Please feel free to share to everyone. I would greatly appreciate it. I believe that it is possible to find someone's family. Especially when God is on our side, because NOTHING is impossible when God is on your side. So lets work together to find families for all the orphans. We can do this!!!!! Let's start this journey together today.
Today's child is Brenton. He has to be adopted before he turns 16 on October 7. That is only just over a month away!!! He has down syndrome. On his Reece's Rainbow profile it doesn't say much about him. All we know is that he is almost 16 with down syndrome and needs a forever family FAST!!!!!
Today's child is Brenton. He has to be adopted before he turns 16 on October 7. That is only just over a month away!!! He has down syndrome. On his Reece's Rainbow profile it doesn't say much about him. All we know is that he is almost 16 with down syndrome and needs a forever family FAST!!!!!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Thank YOU!!!!!!!!
It is Dakota. I just wanted to thank you for your donation to my
trip! I had such an amazing time! I would not have been able to do it
without you! I raised a total of $1,210 dollars. That is $210 dollars
more than my goal! This money helped me pay for the food and room at
my camp, my round trip airfare and other things that I needed for my
trip. I had such a great time! I met such amazing people! I was
blessed with a family of 5. They had a 9 year old son with Autism. I
made so many new friends! I hope to keep these relationships for a
long time. The food was so good! Everyone was so nice and proud that
I flew on a plane for the first time, to meet people I never met
before, to do something I knew very little about by myself. That is
the amazing power of God!!! He blessed me so much through this trip!
The Pastor was fantastic!
My week long stay in AZ was great. It was nice and cool up at camp,
but when we came back down to Phoenix, man it was hot! The disability
center in Phoenix was super cool! I had so much fun! I was sad to
leave! But I was happy once I got home. It was nice to come home and
be with family.
again for you donation! I would not have been able to do it without
Thursday, August 1, 2013
I am Home!!!!
Man, that week at camp was wonderful!!! I met such amazing people and made such great friends!!!! I didn't even begin to imagine that I would come home with so many good friends. I even cried on the last day leaving all my AZ friends. We had so much fun and laughed so hard!
I was only there for one week and I left as if I had known everyone my whole life. It was such an amazing week. I cannot wait to go back next year!!!
I stepped out of my bubble big time last week. I got on an airplane for the first time ever, I was by myself. I flew to meet someone I had never even met to do something I knew very little about. Imagine that! If someone told me that I would be doing that this year I would have not believed it. And the crazy thing is, is that I wasn't worried or scared. I was just excited and anxious to see what God was doing with this. I made it there and home with only two bug bites. Not even a sun burn. God blessed me so much with all these people. I can barely begin to tell you all about my trip.
Where should I start.... I was blessed with a family with a son who was autistic. We had such a good time. We played games at our carnival. Had a bbq while the parents had "Parents night out". We watched lots of movies. Painted some. And played basket ball. We did so much more!! This week I had 2 babies fall asleep on me. They just happened to be sisters. Such cute little babies. All the food was amazing. Everything was homemade. Man I ate so much last week.
Now for what you are waiting for. Pictures!!!
Man that week was amazing. I am so blessed to have been able to go on that trip! I wouldn't have been able to go if you all hadn't donated!!! I love you all!
I was only there for one week and I left as if I had known everyone my whole life. It was such an amazing week. I cannot wait to go back next year!!!
I stepped out of my bubble big time last week. I got on an airplane for the first time ever, I was by myself. I flew to meet someone I had never even met to do something I knew very little about. Imagine that! If someone told me that I would be doing that this year I would have not believed it. And the crazy thing is, is that I wasn't worried or scared. I was just excited and anxious to see what God was doing with this. I made it there and home with only two bug bites. Not even a sun burn. God blessed me so much with all these people. I can barely begin to tell you all about my trip.
Where should I start.... I was blessed with a family with a son who was autistic. We had such a good time. We played games at our carnival. Had a bbq while the parents had "Parents night out". We watched lots of movies. Painted some. And played basket ball. We did so much more!! This week I had 2 babies fall asleep on me. They just happened to be sisters. Such cute little babies. All the food was amazing. Everything was homemade. Man I ate so much last week.
Now for what you are waiting for. Pictures!!!
Monday, July 22, 2013
I have lots to prepare for this one week trip I am going on. Not only do I need to pack a weeks worth of clothes but I have to prepare my heart. I have one more full day to prepare. I do not know anything about the family I have been matched with. I barely know anything about the lady who is picking me up from the airport. God knows. God knows who I have been matched with. God knows every step I will take this week. He knows every little thing that will happen in the next week. How the plane flights will go, how training will go. He knows everything. As I sit at home thinking about all the "What ifs" I realize that I just need to trust God. Everything is already planned out. It is comforting to know that He knows.
Before I know it I will be on a plane flying for the first time. Landing to meet Mrs. Baldwin. In training for being a STM. Meeting my family. And spending all weekend with them. Several people have been praying for me. I am very appreciative to each and every one of you. I am sure there are even people I don't know that I praying for me. I would like to thank every single person who has been praying for me and to every single person who has donated.
Without every single person who has donated I would not be going on this trip. God had it all planned out. If you do not personally know me please comment here or email me or facebook me or something (email is mumble034@gmail.com) I would love to get to know you and thank you.
I love you!! God Bless!!
Before I know it I will be on a plane flying for the first time. Landing to meet Mrs. Baldwin. In training for being a STM. Meeting my family. And spending all weekend with them. Several people have been praying for me. I am very appreciative to each and every one of you. I am sure there are even people I don't know that I praying for me. I would like to thank every single person who has been praying for me and to every single person who has donated.
Without every single person who has donated I would not be going on this trip. God had it all planned out. If you do not personally know me please comment here or email me or facebook me or something (email is mumble034@gmail.com) I would love to get to know you and thank you.
I love you!! God Bless!!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Trusting God
As I am preparing to leave on this adventure my God is leading me on, I am praying for the family that I will be with. I do not know who they are or anything about them but I cannot wait to meet them. I am sure the same thing is going through their minds. Who will we be paired with, What will he/she be like? All of these questions are flooding my mind right now. In a week from tomorrow I get to meet these wonderful people. In a week from today I will be at camp in training. And in just under a week I will be arriving.
It has been about 2 months since God put this on my heart. In those two months He has showed me how much my family and friends love me. All of them praying and generously donating to help this happen. But without God none of this would happen. Without Him I wouldn't be going on this trip. He is the one who put it on everyone's heart who donated to me. He is the one who told me that I need to go on a missions trip. He is the one who told me which organization to go through. He is my Rock and I can never thank Him enough for all He has done for me in the past 16 years of my life.
This is a learning experience and a test in many ways. It is a test to see if I can trust God in everything. It is a learning experience that I need to trust God in everything. It is a learning experience that if it is meant to happen it will. God will provide. He knew I was going to need to buy new boots, so He provided me with extra money to buy the boots that I need for my trip. My goal was $1000 dollars. That was my goal before I knew how much my plane ticket was going to cost. The total of my trip (airfare and the actual stay at camp) was $825 dollars. God provided me with $1,210 dollars. That is 385 dollars more than I absolutely needed.
In the two months that God has been leading me on this I have grown closer to Him. I am very, very thankful for what He has done for me in those two months. Not only those two months but my whole life.
GOD IS SO GOOD TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!
It has been about 2 months since God put this on my heart. In those two months He has showed me how much my family and friends love me. All of them praying and generously donating to help this happen. But without God none of this would happen. Without Him I wouldn't be going on this trip. He is the one who put it on everyone's heart who donated to me. He is the one who told me that I need to go on a missions trip. He is the one who told me which organization to go through. He is my Rock and I can never thank Him enough for all He has done for me in the past 16 years of my life.
This is a learning experience and a test in many ways. It is a test to see if I can trust God in everything. It is a learning experience that I need to trust God in everything. It is a learning experience that if it is meant to happen it will. God will provide. He knew I was going to need to buy new boots, so He provided me with extra money to buy the boots that I need for my trip. My goal was $1000 dollars. That was my goal before I knew how much my plane ticket was going to cost. The total of my trip (airfare and the actual stay at camp) was $825 dollars. God provided me with $1,210 dollars. That is 385 dollars more than I absolutely needed.
In the two months that God has been leading me on this I have grown closer to Him. I am very, very thankful for what He has done for me in those two months. Not only those two months but my whole life.
GOD IS SO GOOD TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!
Some Updates
What shall I start with... I will start with my countdown. I have 5 days left until I leave. 5 days!!! Well I better start packing...
Our great friends over at Taylor Made for His Purpose have some amazing news over on their blog!!!! Go check it out!!! It is very exciting!!!
One of A Perfect Lily's brother and his wife have a new adoption video for their adoption journey. Jason and Naomi's video is here.
Those are all the updates I have for you right now. Much love!!
Our great friends over at Taylor Made for His Purpose have some amazing news over on their blog!!!! Go check it out!!! It is very exciting!!!
One of A Perfect Lily's brother and his wife have a new adoption video for their adoption journey. Jason and Naomi's video is here.
Those are all the updates I have for you right now. Much love!!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Meant to Be
Ever wonder what you were meant to do, who you were meant to help, pray for, just wonder what you were meant to be? Or what would have happened if you had said this or not said that or acted this way instead of that? God knows what you are meant to be. He knew what you were meant to be and do before you were even born. You may plan things but they may not go your way. They just weren't meant to be. If God wants it to happen it will, if not then it won't. He has our days numbered. We never know when we will take our last breath. So read the lyrics to this song. It is called Meant to Be by Steven Curtis Chapman:
Long before you drew your first breath
A dream was coming true
God wanted to give a gift to the world
So he wrapped it up in you
Every step that you've taken
Every move that you make
Is part of his plan
You were meant to be touching
The lives that you touch
And meant to be here
Making this world so much more
Than it would be without you in it
You were meant to be bringing
The gifts that you bring
And singing the songs
You've been given to sing
You are perfectly, wonderfully,
Beautifully meant to be
You were meant to be
Long before you took your first fall
You stumbled to the ground
God started telling the story of you to the angles around
Every failure and victory
Everything inbetween
Its all in his hand
You were meant to be touching
The lives that you touch
And meant to be here
Making this world so much more
Than it would be without you in it
You were meant to be bringing
The gifts that you bring
And singing the songs
You've been given to sing
You are perfectly, wonderfully,
Beautifully meant to be
You were meant to be (yeah)
Meant to be
You are
You are
You are meant to be
You are
You are
You are meant to be
For every breath that your taking
And every move that you make
It's a meaningful life you've been given
Live it well
You were meant to be touching
The lives that you touch
And meant to be here
Making this world so much more
Than it would be without you in it
You were meant to be bringing
The gifts that you bring
And singing the songs
You've been given to sing
You are perfectly, wonderfully,
Beautifully meant to be (yeah)
You were meant to be (yeah)
You were meant to be (yeah)
You were meant to be
To be
You were meant to be
Here is a link to a music video so you can hear it too:
In 11 days I leave for my trip. That is just about 264 hours. In 265 hours I will be landing. I have raised $1,210 dollars. That is $210 dollars more than my goal. God has blessed me in so many ways. Without all of your generous hearts for praying and donating I am able to go on my trip. The trip that God has put on my heart.
One night, I was thinking and praying about what I wanted to do for my Sweet 16. And all of a sudden God put mission trip on my heart. I did not know where I was meant to go, what organization I was going to go through and now in 11 days this will be happening, because my God is almighty and wonderful. I would not have been able to do this without Him. He planned this all out. He knew who was going to donate and who would be praying for me. He knows the family I will be matched with. He knows everything. And it is all because He put two words on my heart, the two words "mission trip". My God loves me and is almighty and reminds me of this every day. Thank you God for doing this for me, I LOVE YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you to everyone who has prayed and donated because without you and God I would not have been able to go on this trip. Thank you, each and every one of you. I love you!!
Much Much Love,
Long before you drew your first breath
A dream was coming true
God wanted to give a gift to the world
So he wrapped it up in you
Every step that you've taken
Every move that you make
Is part of his plan
You were meant to be touching
The lives that you touch
And meant to be here
Making this world so much more
Than it would be without you in it
You were meant to be bringing
The gifts that you bring
And singing the songs
You've been given to sing
You are perfectly, wonderfully,
Beautifully meant to be
You were meant to be
Long before you took your first fall
You stumbled to the ground
God started telling the story of you to the angles around
Every failure and victory
Everything inbetween
Its all in his hand
You were meant to be touching
The lives that you touch
And meant to be here
Making this world so much more
Than it would be without you in it
You were meant to be bringing
The gifts that you bring
And singing the songs
You've been given to sing
You are perfectly, wonderfully,
Beautifully meant to be
You were meant to be (yeah)
Meant to be
You are
You are
You are meant to be
You are
You are
You are meant to be
For every breath that your taking
And every move that you make
It's a meaningful life you've been given
Live it well
You were meant to be touching
The lives that you touch
And meant to be here
Making this world so much more
Than it would be without you in it
You were meant to be bringing
The gifts that you bring
And singing the songs
You've been given to sing
You are perfectly, wonderfully,
Beautifully meant to be (yeah)
You were meant to be (yeah)
You were meant to be (yeah)
You were meant to be
To be
You were meant to be
Here is a link to a music video so you can hear it too:
In 11 days I leave for my trip. That is just about 264 hours. In 265 hours I will be landing. I have raised $1,210 dollars. That is $210 dollars more than my goal. God has blessed me in so many ways. Without all of your generous hearts for praying and donating I am able to go on my trip. The trip that God has put on my heart.
One night, I was thinking and praying about what I wanted to do for my Sweet 16. And all of a sudden God put mission trip on my heart. I did not know where I was meant to go, what organization I was going to go through and now in 11 days this will be happening, because my God is almighty and wonderful. I would not have been able to do this without Him. He planned this all out. He knew who was going to donate and who would be praying for me. He knows the family I will be matched with. He knows everything. And it is all because He put two words on my heart, the two words "mission trip". My God loves me and is almighty and reminds me of this every day. Thank you God for doing this for me, I LOVE YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you to everyone who has prayed and donated because without you and God I would not have been able to go on this trip. Thank you, each and every one of you. I love you!!
Much Much Love,
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy Fourth of July!!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Independence Day!!!! I am very excited about what we are going to be doing!!
Today as we celebrate our freedom remember to be thankful for our soldiers who are fighting for our freedom. And remember the orphans all over, like Ruslan, Salome, Temperance, and Jordan.
I think we take freedom for granted. I know I do. It is just something that I have been raised with all my life. I don't know what it is like to not have freedom, but so many people do. Everyone in the third-world countries. It is the little things that we have that so many people are praying for. I have a house and a family that loves me and so many kids are praying to have a house and a family that loves them. I am extra extra thankful for my freedom, family and friends that love me, my house, and most of all my Savior.
Happy Fourth Everyone!
Much Love,
P.S. I have raised over my goal even more! With $1085!!!!! Thank y'all so much!!!!!
Today as we celebrate our freedom remember to be thankful for our soldiers who are fighting for our freedom. And remember the orphans all over, like Ruslan, Salome, Temperance, and Jordan.
I think we take freedom for granted. I know I do. It is just something that I have been raised with all my life. I don't know what it is like to not have freedom, but so many people do. Everyone in the third-world countries. It is the little things that we have that so many people are praying for. I have a house and a family that loves me and so many kids are praying to have a house and a family that loves them. I am extra extra thankful for my freedom, family and friends that love me, my house, and most of all my Savior.
Happy Fourth Everyone!
Much Love,
P.S. I have raised over my goal even more! With $1085!!!!! Thank y'all so much!!!!!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Last summer was an awesome summer. Some of the best memories were made and some amazing relationships were formed. If I didn't spend last summer with who I did, I honestly do not know where I would be today.
Last year had downs and ups. A lot of things happened last year that affected my life. As the Fourth of July approaches us it reminds me of where I was last Fourth of July. A year ago today I was babysitting for my great friends for their anniversary. This couple has impacted my life in so many ways. I learned so much from them. They have been a huge part in forming the young lady I am now. I want to impact their kids and other kids like they have impacted me one day. They inspire me to do so many things.
We usually go up to a lake for the Fourth every year. Last year we stayed back home and spent the day with our amazing church family. Playing games, BBQing and watching the fireworks. One of the best Fourth of July's ever. We do not know what we are going to do this year for the Fourth but I know for one thing, I am going to be extra thankful for the freedom that I have unlike so many kids who don't have it.
So far this summer has been OK. I have been in summer school. I took my final and passed it so I am done with it for the summer. Now I hope to enjoy the rest of my summer.
In 23 days I leave for my trip. I have raised over my goal. $1015. This summer God has blessed me more than I know. I ask that you will continue to pray for me and my trip. I ask that He will use me in this family's life like A and E impacted my life last summer. In 30 days I will be coming home from my trip. I do not know how this trip will impact and affect me but I sure hope and pray that it is for the better. I have been told that I am making history for this trip. It is the very first camp at this location.
This next year I want to work on this verse.
James 1:19-20
My dear Brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
Thank you all so much for donating and praying and following me on this journey that my Heavenly Father is leading me on. You all encourage me so much. I love you all.
Much Love,
Last year had downs and ups. A lot of things happened last year that affected my life. As the Fourth of July approaches us it reminds me of where I was last Fourth of July. A year ago today I was babysitting for my great friends for their anniversary. This couple has impacted my life in so many ways. I learned so much from them. They have been a huge part in forming the young lady I am now. I want to impact their kids and other kids like they have impacted me one day. They inspire me to do so many things.
We usually go up to a lake for the Fourth every year. Last year we stayed back home and spent the day with our amazing church family. Playing games, BBQing and watching the fireworks. One of the best Fourth of July's ever. We do not know what we are going to do this year for the Fourth but I know for one thing, I am going to be extra thankful for the freedom that I have unlike so many kids who don't have it.
So far this summer has been OK. I have been in summer school. I took my final and passed it so I am done with it for the summer. Now I hope to enjoy the rest of my summer.
In 23 days I leave for my trip. I have raised over my goal. $1015. This summer God has blessed me more than I know. I ask that you will continue to pray for me and my trip. I ask that He will use me in this family's life like A and E impacted my life last summer. In 30 days I will be coming home from my trip. I do not know how this trip will impact and affect me but I sure hope and pray that it is for the better. I have been told that I am making history for this trip. It is the very first camp at this location.
This next year I want to work on this verse.
James 1:19-20
My dear Brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
Thank you all so much for donating and praying and following me on this journey that my Heavenly Father is leading me on. You all encourage me so much. I love you all.
Much Love,
Today I not only reached my goal but I exceeded it! I have raised a grand total of $1015 dollars!
I want to thank my God for making this possible and for putting it on everyones hearts to pray and donate to my trip. God is so good to me.
I want to thank Joni and Friends- Arizona for letting me do this trip even though I am younger than the regular standards.
I want to thank every single person who has donated, you know who you are.
I want to thank Him for putting this on my heart.
I would not have been able to do this without my God and my friends and family who have surrounded me and supported me in my trip. I appreciate it so much. I love you all so much!!!!
I want to thank my God for making this possible and for putting it on everyones hearts to pray and donate to my trip. God is so good to me.
I want to thank Joni and Friends- Arizona for letting me do this trip even though I am younger than the regular standards.
I want to thank every single person who has donated, you know who you are.
I want to thank Him for putting this on my heart.
I would not have been able to do this without my God and my friends and family who have surrounded me and supported me in my trip. I appreciate it so much. I love you all so much!!!!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Birthday/ Random
Yesterday was my sweet 16th birthday. For my birthday I got to spend some time with awesome friends! I had dinner with my parents. Tahoe with the friends. And summer school. My parents got my a purple polka dot suitcase for my trip! I didn't ask for anything for me for my birthday. Just donations for my trip, and a suitcase because I needed one. But my awesome brother got me a ticket to see Scotty McCreery in concert this weekend! So this weekend me and my brother's girlfriend are going to see Scotty in concert!!!! And his girlfriend got me beautiful earrings with a matching bracelet!
I also have raised $730 dollars for my trip. We mailed off the rest of my payment last week. Now I am just paying for my ticket. Plane ticket that is.
If I make any extra money in my fundraising. It will be split up between 3 places or given to one. Depends on what God wants.
You will never guess who is home!!!
Tommy is home!!!
Read the blog post and find out more about how he is doing!
So now I am 16 years old. Can't wait to see what God is going to do with me this year.
Much Love,
I also have raised $730 dollars for my trip. We mailed off the rest of my payment last week. Now I am just paying for my ticket. Plane ticket that is.
If I make any extra money in my fundraising. It will be split up between 3 places or given to one. Depends on what God wants.
You will never guess who is home!!!
Tommy is home!!!
Read the blog post and find out more about how he is doing!
So now I am 16 years old. Can't wait to see what God is going to do with me this year.
Much Love,
Friday, June 14, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Today I reached the three hundred mark on my fundraising!!!! I have raised a total of $310!!!!
I want to thank everyone who has donated to my trip and helping make this happen. It means so much to me!! I can't wait to see how God is using me in this! I am super excited to go on this trip so Thank you God, and everyone who has prayed and donated to my trip!!!
I want to thank everyone who has donated to my trip and helping make this happen. It means so much to me!! I can't wait to see how God is using me in this! I am super excited to go on this trip so Thank you God, and everyone who has prayed and donated to my trip!!!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Taylor Made For His Purpose Fundraiser
Our good friends are having a fund raiser to help bring their kiddos home. So jump on over to their blog and join in!! Thank you so much!!!
Monday, June 10, 2013
I have raised $220. I have to have all the money in the mail to AZ in 20 days. 20 DAYS. That is crazy. I need to have at least $395 to send down there. So only $225 until the money gets sent!!! Almost half way there!!!! The rest is for my flight (400 dollars.) Thank you so so so much for donating and praying for my trip. It means so much!!
Much Love,
Much Love,
Thursday, June 6, 2013
If you plan to donate to my trip all the money for my stay at Bison Ranch needs to be in by July 1. That is only 24 days.
I am up to $135 now.
Thank you for your donations and prayers!
Much love, Dakota
I am up to $135 now.
Thank you for your donations and prayers!
Much love, Dakota
Monday, June 3, 2013
There are so so many orphans out there. My heart just aches for them. I love my parents and couldn't imagine not having them. Or any parents at all.
My mom and I laugh all the time. I am blessed to have my parents. Just thinking about all those kids who have no moms to laugh with or dads to play with them makes me so sad and shows me that I need to appreciate my parents more. I can't even imagine what my life would be like without them. So many kids don't have parents, or have parents that neglect them or abuse them. And I have parents who love me so much! I have my brother and family and these kids don't.
Ruslan, his smile is great. Could you imagine what his smile would be like if he had a mommy and daddy? brothers, sisters, friends?

Look at him! He has already been transferred. He needs a family fast! He makes me smile. All you have to do is look at him.
Are you looking to adopt? Are you Ruslan's family? Do you know someone who might be?
Share this! You never know who might be his family.
P.S. The Blessing of Verity travel the end of this week to go get Tommy. Keep them in your prayers as they go pick up their son!!!
My mom and I laugh all the time. I am blessed to have my parents. Just thinking about all those kids who have no moms to laugh with or dads to play with them makes me so sad and shows me that I need to appreciate my parents more. I can't even imagine what my life would be like without them. So many kids don't have parents, or have parents that neglect them or abuse them. And I have parents who love me so much! I have my brother and family and these kids don't.
Ruslan, his smile is great. Could you imagine what his smile would be like if he had a mommy and daddy? brothers, sisters, friends?
Look at him! He has already been transferred. He needs a family fast! He makes me smile. All you have to do is look at him.
Are you looking to adopt? Are you Ruslan's family? Do you know someone who might be?
Share this! You never know who might be his family.
P.S. The Blessing of Verity travel the end of this week to go get Tommy. Keep them in your prayers as they go pick up their son!!!
Saturday, June 1, 2013
For my Sweet 16th birthday I
have decided to go on a missions trip to help children with
disabilities. The organization I decided to go through is called
Joni and Friends. It is Joni Eareckson Tada's organization. Joni and
Friends puts on summer camps all over, all summer for families with
children or adults that have disabilities. Normally through this
organization you would have to be 17, but the director of this
organization wants to have me as a STM! I am going to be a STM
(Short-Term Missionary) for Family Retreat, Bison Ranch in Overgaard,
AZ. For this trip I have to raise $1000 (trip and airfare). The trip
is in 7 weeks and lasts 5 days. On this trip I will be assigned a
'buddy' and I will spend all 5 days with this child or adult and
his/her family. The camp will put on activities for all the people
with special needs and their parents. If you have any desire to
donate to my trip I would GREATLY appreciate it. Any donation gets me
closer to my goal. For more information email
me, text or call me. God has put this on my heart and I can't wait to
see what He is doing with it. Much love, Dakota
Check it out!
Our dear friends are in the process of adopting two children, Sara and Samuel. They are doing a huge fundraiser over on their website. So do me a favor and check it out!!!!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
I got a call from Miss Baldwin today. And she said they closed the thing for applications because it filled up, BUT she put me in behind the scenes. So I am in there!! She just needs to contact George and get my $50 payment in. I am going to raise roughly $1000 for trip and flights. $445 for the trip itself and round trip airfare which I am expecting to be about $500. I sent my application in over the phone and online. So lets hope for the best! I am super excited and hope God keeps me going on this path. You can donate through mail, in person, or directly to Joni and Friends to my account (https://www.joniandfriends.org/donate/ make sure you put that you would like to notify the family/individual of your gift and then put my information in it.) My trip is the Bison Ranch trip. It is from July 26- July 30. If you need my address or a time to meet with us comment your email address and I won't publish the comment. I will email with you and pick a good place and time!! Thank you for all the prayers!!!
Much love,
Much love,
Monday, May 20, 2013
As of this morning I had not heard from Miss Baldwin. That makes three weeks. I have emailed her. Today I decided it was time to call her. I called her at 9 this morning. She said she has been on vacation and will contact my references this week and will contact me later this week. So prayers would be appreciated!!! Thanks for your support!!!
Much Love,
Much Love,
Monday, May 6, 2013
Fundraising and an Update
I am going to have to start raising money for my trip soon. Before I know it I will be packing up and headed south. I was wondering if you had any ideas. Some of my ideas were a bake sale, garage sale, lemonade stand and things of that sort. You can contact me via comment or email if you have ideas. Hope to hear from you soon!!!!
I haven't heard from Miss Baldwin in a few days. I'm not sure if she has contacted my references yet or not. Hope I hear from her soon!! It has been a week today since she contacted me.
Much Love,
I haven't heard from Miss Baldwin in a few days. I'm not sure if she has contacted my references yet or not. Hope I hear from her soon!! It has been a week today since she contacted me.
Much Love,
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Here are some videos that I love from the Joni and Friends YouTube Channel.
That one is about a little boy with DS and a dog.
I want to inspire people like this!!!!!
That one is about a little boy with DS and a dog.
I want to inspire people like this!!!!!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Hi! My name is Dakota and I have a heart for special needs children. I have been looking all over the internet to find a missions trip in the USA that helps people with disabilities. I emailed Susanna at The Blessings of Verity and she suggested emailing the people at Joni and Friends, so that is just what I did. I emailed to help in the Family Retreat section. Before I knew it I was getting a call from Miss Baldwin who is the director of the Bison Ranch Family Retreat. They have rules that you are supposed to be 17 or older. When the time for this Family Retreat comes I will only be 16. I was kind of worried about if I would be able to go or not, but I kept thinking and praying if God wants me there he will make it possible. Miss Baldwin asked for some references. I gave her those this morning via email. I am not sure if she has contacted them yet though. I gave her Aunt Chris, George and my mom. While I was on the phone with her I talked about Taylor, and how much she inspires me to help others who are like her! I also told her that Susanna from The Blessing of Verity and Mrs. Taylor from Taylor Made For His Purpose inspired me to help children with disabilities. Susanna and Patti (from A Perfect Lily ) opened my eyes to all the children with Down Syndrome all over the world.
In the Family Retreat through Joni and Friends I will stay 5 days in Overgaard, AZ and be a 'buddy' to a child or adult with a disability. I will spend those next 5 days with him or her doing fun stuff like horseback riding etc. I feel like God has put this on my heart and I want to make it happen. The estimated cost for STM (Short Term Missionaries) for this location is $445. I am not sure what that includes. I need to find out some more information still but I want to hear back from Miss Baldwin after she talks to my references first.
Much Love!!!
In the Family Retreat through Joni and Friends I will stay 5 days in Overgaard, AZ and be a 'buddy' to a child or adult with a disability. I will spend those next 5 days with him or her doing fun stuff like horseback riding etc. I feel like God has put this on my heart and I want to make it happen. The estimated cost for STM (Short Term Missionaries) for this location is $445. I am not sure what that includes. I need to find out some more information still but I want to hear back from Miss Baldwin after she talks to my references first.
Much Love!!!
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