Many of these kids will die in these terrible orphanages. Like Monet, Kyle, Connor, Declan and many many many more. God took them home before their family found them. Or after they found them but before they could rescue them.
Look at this little beauty. Kyra. She is one of the Newly Listed children. I accidentally clicked on that page today. The first face I saw was Kyra's. The first thing I noticed was how skinny she was. She is basically just skin and bones.
What about all of the kids that have been transferred or are facing transfer? The children who are already in institutions will continue to live their short, bedridden life there. The children whom are facing transfer chances are getting slimmer and slimmer of finding a family. Each day that passes is one less day that they have to find a family and one more day they have of being unloved without a mommy and daddy.
Wendy has already been transferred. She was transferred before she was seven years young. But there is still hope for this beauty. She can still be adopted. She can still be rescued from living the rest of her life in a bed by her self. But each day she goes her chances get slimmer and slimmer. She needs a family. And Fast!
Sheppard has until June 2014. He will turn 16 and age out of his orphanage. That is only 8 months away. EIGHT MONTHS!!!!!!!!!! A family needs to commit to rescuing him. Eight months is going to fly by. Unless you are stuck in an orphanage waiting and longing for a family. Just hoping one day a family will come in for YOU not one of the other kids. A family who is coming to take you out of there for forever. A family who is going to love you and nurture you for the rest of your life. A family who is going to get you the nutrition that you need for your disabilities. But you start to loose hope. Help these kids find hope that there is good in the world. That there are good people in the world.
Please! Help me find hope for these kids who have no hope. Who don't even know what it is like to live outside of an orphanage. Who day after day watch other kids go home with people who will love them. And they are just left there. Whether they are able to walk around and play or aren't that does NOT mean that they don't need to be loved. People are crazy for leaving their own children at orphanages just because they have disabilities or have been in an accident that changed their life. They still need to be loved. Maybe even more. Find their Hope!
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