Monday, January 27, 2014

My Babies

There are many many many kids that my heart aches for. Tonight I'm going to post pictures, ages and disabilities of some of the many kids my heart aches for daily. These are some of the kids that God has on my heart a lot.

Leilani (my 2013 Angel Tree Baby) Girl. 4 years old. hydrocephalus (with shunt), spastic tetraparesis, convulsive disorder, Hep.B, valgus feet, optic discs atrophy


Salome Girl. 15, 16 (aging out) in March. Microcephaly, cerebral palsy, deep mental handicap


Ruslan Boy. 11 years old. Down Syndrome. Already Transferred.

Reign.  Girl. 14 years old. Cerebral Palsy and deep mental handicap.

Yule. Boy. 4 years old. Down Syndrome with congential heart defect.
Yule (2)

Nehemiah. Boy. Turned 14 years old this month. Cerebral palsy and a difficult mental handicap.
Vm (2)

Diederick. Boy. Roughly 3-4 years old. May have a mild case of cerebral palsy and a noticeable crossed eye.

Carissa.  Girl. 6 years old. Some mental and physical disabilities.

Donna. Girl. 3 years old. hydrocephalus (internal hydrocephalus as a result of suffered
meningitis); spastic tetraparesis; prematurity; retinopathy of prematurity; collapse of lungs; prenatal infection; heart disease:  open arterial duct (condition after surgery on August 10, 2011), open oval window, anomalous chord of the left heart ventricle


These are just a few of the kids I know by name. When I hear or read their name I instantly know who it is. These are just a few of the thousands of children orphaned and neglected because they were born with a disability. They are being forced to live a life in bed. They need to be rescued and given the proper care that they deserve. Click on their names. Read their stories (if they have one). Share one of them or all of them. You never know how God could use a sharing of one of these precious babes.
Share. Pray. Advocate. Donate.

Lord please help us find a family for each and ever child on here. Please keep your hands on these children Lord. Please lead families to them before it is too late. Lord I just ask that you will provide them with the love, care, and support that they need. Especially the love. They haven't been loved in a very long time, if ever. Please put them in families who will love them just as much as they love their own. Thank you God. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

God bless, and much Love,

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Best Friends to Family?

Wouldn't you love to live with your best friend? Like sisters or brothers? Under the same roof with the same mom and dad?

There are two kids who are best friends and live together. But not in s house with a family. In an orphanage with a whole bunch of other kids.

You could make their wish come true. And make it multiply. Adopt two kids who are best friends. Kids who have lived in orphanages for their whole life. Kids who are even listed as each others best friends on RR. Kids who are 14 and 15. Kids who are known as Isolde and Duane.

Isolde has Cerebral palsy. She is 15 (or will be 15 this year). She is a beautiful young woman. 
Duane has Down syndrome, neurodystrophy, psychological and motor development disorder, alalia. He will be 14 in November. He has the sweetest smile that will make your heart melt. 

Isolde may not be able to walk, right now, but once she is home I'm sure with the proper care she would start walking all over the place. Duane on the other hand runs and chases balls. I can see him in soccer. 

Best friends til family defines these two. They love each other like family now. Put them in a family together and watch them excel together. I'd love to see these to become brother and sister.


They have spent 14-15 years in this orphanage. It's time they get out. Past time in fact. Time to break them out. And pray for them to be broken out. 

Dear Lord, 
Please be with Isoldel and Duane as they wait for their family in their orphanage. Please put them on the hearts of their family (or families). Lord please provide them a home to be adopted together. Please provide their families with the money to provide the proper care for these kids. Please Lord get them out of their orphanages before they age out. Thank you Lord. In Your Holy Son's name. Amen. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I will catch up on my week of at risk of aging out children on Thursday. I'm super busy!

Monday, January 20, 2014


Nehemiah turned 14 THIS month. Spent yet another birthday in his orphanage. Another uncelebrated birthday with no cake or presents. Another birthday with no party. No one singing happy birthday and having a good day. Just another day passed laying in bed or sitting in his wheel chair. He probably didn't even know it was his birthday.

Vm (2)

Nehemiah is also in orphanage 50 with Salome and Reign. This orphanage is awful. In the past 3 days, I have shared 3 older children who are at risk of aging out who are severely malnourished. All over 14 years old.

Nehemiah has never rode a bicycle. 

Never baked cookies with his mom. 

Never worked on the car with dad. 

He only knows the 4 walls in his room 

And the playground. 

He knows nothing about the outside world. 

He doesn't know what he is missing. 

But we do. 

Vm (1)

Nehemiah has cerebral palsy and a deep mental handicap just like both Salome AND Reign. Nehemiah is in such distress that he self harm himself. The orphanage TIES HIM DOWN to prevent him from harming himself. He has scars and cuts on his wrists from being tied down. THIS IS NO WAY TO TREAT ANYONE!!!!!!!!!! When I read that my heart exploded in anger and sadness. How can people be so cruel. 

Nehemiah needs out. 

Nehemiah needs a family. 

Where is Nehemiah's super hero family?

When are they going to rescue him????!

Nehemiah your family is waiting for you. 

Dear Lord,
God please open up a family's heart to Nehemiah. Please provide him with a family who will care for him and not tie him down. I pray for the workers. That you would show them how cruel they are being to these kids. I ask that they would get a new director in there in direct it in a better direction. Please be with all the kids from orphanage 50. Please provide families for all of them. Please provide their families with the funds to provide the proper care. Thank you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. 

Pray, advocate, donate, adopt. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014


This week I'm going to try and post a child at risk of aging out every day. Yesterday I shared Salome. Today I'm sharing Reign. Reign and Salome are in the same awful orphanage. Orphanage 50.

Reign just turned 14 in December. She is still at risk but not at such a significant risk as Salome is. Reign is 2 years younger than Salome but is in the same horrible condition.


Reign has Cerebral palsy and a deep mental handicap. She has been stuck I'm her crib for her whole life. Children can only be adopted by Americans until they turn 16. Then all hope in them finding a family is gone. 

Yulia 2

Unlike 14 year old American girls who are all into boys, cell phones and make up Reign has not experienced any of that. She hasn't experienced having a "crush" on the cute boy in her class or getting ready for homecoming. She hasn't even been loved by a family. All things that teenage girls take for granted. 

Reign would love to be loved by a family. She would love to be eating a family dinner on a typical school night. Reign was just born with CP and a deep mental handicap but that was the way God made her. He made her to be loved by a family. He has a plan for her. He knows who the family is going to be to adopt her. They might not even know it yet. 

God please rescue her before she can't be adopted anymore. Bring her family to her please God. Bring her Super Hero family to rescue her and to get her the health care she needs to help make her bloom. Give her a family that will dress her up for church on Sunday and paint her toe nails before they go to the beach for a family vacation. God please give her the family she deserves. Please Lord. In Your Holy Son's Name. Amen. 

Please join me in prayer for all of the kids who are at such a risk of losing the chance to be adopted please.

Check out this video from their orphanage via Maya's Hope

Advocate. Donate. Pray. Adopt. 

Much Love,

Saturday, January 18, 2014



Salome ages out in March. She turns 16 in March. She could be getting her driving license in March but she is stuck in an orphanage being mistreated. Not going to high school like typical almost 16 year olds. Not shopping with friends. I am 16 years old. She isn't doing anything I'm doing. Not going to high school youth group lock ins, or working at a daycare, or anything else I love to do because she has been so neglected for so long she can't even walk.
This is Salome :


She may be sixteen but is in the mental state of an infant or toddler. She has Microcephaly, cerebral palsy, and a deep mental handicap. If we don't break her out of this orphanage in the next month she will continue living her short life in a bed. The same way she has spent the last 16 years. 


She may not spend all of her time in her bed but a majority of it. If she doesn't get rescued soon she may never get to get out of bed again.

There is a giveaway going on to try and get this pretty girl a family. The giveaway is going on over at  Advocating For The World's Forgotten Children.  Go check it out. Share sweet Salome and pray for her and her family please.

Lord God, please show Salome's family that she is in dire need of a family. Please bring them to her as fast as possible. She has lived unloved for long enough. God please get her out before its too late. I ask that her family would love and be able to care for all of her needs, help her her to get the proper care and nourishment. Thank you Lord, in Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Share her. Pray for her. Donate to her. Advocate for her. Adopt her.

Salome your family is out there.

God bless,

Friday, January 10, 2014


The day of or the night before I do a post advocating for a child, God puts a child on my heart. Sometimes He shows me by a name or a picture and sometimes its just a feeling I get in my heart. This time he put a picture in my mind, no name, and I got this feeling in my heart knowing that this was the child I need to share tonight. As I search through Reece's Rainbow trying to find the name of this child whom I know the picture of but not the name, I think about and pray for a family to find her. Maybe they were also shown a picture and given a feeling and are also searching on RR for her.

Ah Ha! I found her. Her name is Noel. Noel was diagnosed with hydrocephalus (with shunt) and severe CP. She will be 10 this October. This not-so-little girl reminds me a lot of my cousin Taylor. My cousin Taylor (she is now almost 18) was born with cortical vision impairment, hydrocephalus, microcephaly, seizure disorder and CP. The picture of Noel reminds me of Taylor.

Here is a picture of Noel:

She doesn't look ten. I see many ten year olds five days a week at the preschool I work at. Poor sweet Noel looks like a little five year old.

As for now it appears she is not walking or talking. But who knows what could happen if she was put into a loving family. Noel is still in the baby house which is a good thing. It is unusual for an almost 10 year old to still be at a baby house, typically they are sent to an institution to spend the rest of their life in a bed. So please consider adopting sweet Noel especially since we don't know how much longer she will be at her orphanage. On RR it says that the family should have experience caring for a child with similar needs since her CP is so severe.

If you know anyone who you think would make a great home for Noel please send them this link. If you are Noel's family please start acting to adopt her ASAP.

Someone needs to break this sweet girl out of her baby house and love her for the rest of her life.

Please pray for Noel with me. Pray that a family would find her and rescue her before it is too late. Pray that the directer of her orphanage will keep her in that baby house until her family finds her. Pray for her life once she gets home. That it will be full of life and that with the right therapy that she may be able to walk and/or talk one day. We ask the Lord that she would be able to get the help she needs while she is still young enough. Lord God please help sweet Noel. We pray this in your Holy Son's name, Amen.

Thank you for sharing, praying and reading about Noel. Please continue to pray and share her file so she can have a family.
God Bless!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Zoey x 3

If you are a friend or family member you have seen me post about Zoey on Facebook.  Zoey is a 7 year old orphan who was in the process of being adopted. A few days ago we heard the terrible news that Zoey had passed away in her orphanage before her family was able to rescue her. She did get to meet her mommy and daddy. They were able to hold her and love her. They were trying as hard as they could to get her home to the care she needed.


Zoey is now dancing with Jesus. Thankfully she is no longer suffering in her horrible orphanage. Please pray for her family as they mourn the loss of their daughter/sister that they barely got to know.

This Zoey is on the MFFM (My Family Found Me) page of Reece's Rainbow. She does have a family coming to rescue her but she still needs prayers. As we have seen with the previous Zoey, God will take His people home on their day. Even if they have a family frantically coming to rescue them.

I ask that you would join me to pray for this Zoey's family. That they would be able to get to her before God takes her home. She is 7 years old and looks about 7 months old.

In honor of both of the other Zoey's finding families (even if one is dancing with Jesus and the other one is still in her crib) would you help me find yet another Zoey a family? This Zoey is 6 years old. She has Congenital cytomegalovirus infection, Profound mental delays, Other paralytic syndromes (CP), epilepsy, Microcephaly, and Coloboma of optic disc. If her family doesn't find her soon she is destined to spend the rest of her life in a crib.


It appears that Zoey is being fed through a tube in her nose. She isn't as severely malnourished as the other two Zoey's but she still needs a home to bloom in. Plant her in a wonderful, loving family and she would bloom. She has spent six long years in a crib where no one celebrates her birthday or takes her to the park. I'm sure she would love parks and walks through flower gardens. Just imagine the wonderful things you could do with her. Is this the daughter you have been praying for?

If God is tugging on your heart for this little girl please act upon it. Donate, Share, Pray, or even apply to adopt this princess. She needs a family.

Please pray for all of Zoey's families. Pray that Zoey's family will recieve peace and comfort as they mourn the loss of their daughter. Pray also for the other Zoey's family that their adoption will be smooth and fast so that they can get her home and give her the TLC that she needs. Pray that God will open a family's eyes that they are meant to be Zoey's parents. Pray that they would find her soon and get her home before it is too late.

Much Love,

Sunday, January 5, 2014



Diederick stole my heart as soon as I saw his picture. I read his story and my heart melted. He looks to be about 3 and 1/2 but they don't know his age because he was abandoned as an infant near the intersection of a rural road.


Look at this sweet face. He has such an adorable cross-eye!

 He needs a mommy and daddy!!!

His RR profile says that he can walk well without assistance but he does fall a lot. They are unsure of his diagnosis but it appears that he has a mild-medium form of cerebral palsy. He has delayed motor skills and some impaired speech that could be due to some hearing loss.

I couldn't even imagine even the thought of abandoning my baby in the middle of no where. He needs to know what it feels like to be loved again.

Share this beautiful little boy. Help get his picture out for his family to see him. Imagine how well he would do in a family.

If you feel led please share little Diederick and donate to him.

Donations to the kids on RR helps fund their adoption when their family finds them. It helps cover travel costs, dossier, homestudy, etc. International adoption isn't cheap so any donation will help Diederick's family get to him soon.

Diederick, your family is out there!!!

Much love,

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Over the next 361 days I plan to advocate and share the pictures (if avalible) of 95+ kids.  If you have any children in mind that you think need to be shared in any way possible, please let me know so I can do my part in sharing that child. I am aware that new children will come up who will need to be shared and I will definitley share them. I want to do everything I can to be a part of finding a forever family for these precious babes.

The children that God has put on my heart are the following (each linked to their RR profile)  (:

Faith Anne
Mary Ellen

I linked each child to their profile and throughout the year I will do a very special post for each child with their picture. I am sure this list will grow all year long. My goal is to share over 100 pictures of kids on RR in 2014. Please leave me comments on who should be added with a link to their profile. Thank you!!!