Ah Ha! I found her. Her name is Noel. Noel was diagnosed with hydrocephalus (with shunt) and severe CP. She will be 10 this October. This not-so-little girl reminds me a lot of my cousin Taylor. My cousin Taylor (she is now almost 18) was born with cortical vision impairment, hydrocephalus, microcephaly, seizure disorder and CP. The picture of Noel reminds me of Taylor.
Here is a picture of Noel:
She doesn't look ten. I see many ten year olds five days a week at the preschool I work at. Poor sweet Noel looks like a little five year old.
As for now it appears she is not walking or talking. But who knows what could happen if she was put into a loving family. Noel is still in the baby house which is a good thing. It is unusual for an almost 10 year old to still be at a baby house, typically they are sent to an institution to spend the rest of their life in a bed. So please consider adopting sweet Noel especially since we don't know how much longer she will be at her orphanage. On RR it says that the family should have experience caring for a child with similar needs since her CP is so severe.
If you know anyone who you think would make a great home for Noel please send them this link. If you are Noel's family please start acting to adopt her ASAP.
Someone needs to break this sweet girl out of her baby house and love her for the rest of her life.
Please pray for Noel with me. Pray that a family would find her and rescue her before it is too late. Pray that the directer of her orphanage will keep her in that baby house until her family finds her. Pray for her life once she gets home. That it will be full of life and that with the right therapy that she may be able to walk and/or talk one day. We ask the Lord that she would be able to get the help she needs while she is still young enough. Lord God please help sweet Noel. We pray this in your Holy Son's name, Amen.
Thank you for sharing, praying and reading about Noel. Please continue to pray and share her file so she can have a family.
God Bless!
I'm praying with you Dakota. Thank you for caring. Thank you for loving. Thank you for listening to the whispers of the Holy Spirit.
ReplyDeleteI will also be interceeding. Have you read The Intercessor: Reese Howells? I think God is going to raise up intercessors for these kids. I don't think it is a coincidence that the name is reece either. . .