There are two kids who are best friends and live together. But not in s house with a family. In an orphanage with a whole bunch of other kids.
You could make their wish come true. And make it multiply. Adopt two kids who are best friends. Kids who have lived in orphanages for their whole life. Kids who are even listed as each others best friends on RR. Kids who are 14 and 15. Kids who are known as Isolde and Duane.
Isolde has Cerebral palsy. She is 15 (or will be 15 this year). She is a beautiful young woman.
Duane has Down syndrome, neurodystrophy, psychological and motor development disorder, alalia. He will be 14 in November. He has the sweetest smile that will make your heart melt.
Isolde may not be able to walk, right now, but once she is home I'm sure with the proper care she would start walking all over the place. Duane on the other hand runs and chases balls. I can see him in soccer.
Best friends til family defines these two. They love each other like family now. Put them in a family together and watch them excel together. I'd love to see these to become brother and sister.


They have spent 14-15 years in this orphanage. It's time they get out. Past time in fact. Time to break them out. And pray for them to be broken out.
Dear Lord,
Please be with Isoldel and Duane as they wait for their family in their orphanage. Please put them on the hearts of their family (or families). Lord please provide them a home to be adopted together. Please provide their families with the money to provide the proper care for these kids. Please Lord get them out of their orphanages before they age out. Thank you Lord. In Your Holy Son's name. Amen.
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