Monday, January 27, 2014

My Babies

There are many many many kids that my heart aches for. Tonight I'm going to post pictures, ages and disabilities of some of the many kids my heart aches for daily. These are some of the kids that God has on my heart a lot.

Leilani (my 2013 Angel Tree Baby) Girl. 4 years old. hydrocephalus (with shunt), spastic tetraparesis, convulsive disorder, Hep.B, valgus feet, optic discs atrophy


Salome Girl. 15, 16 (aging out) in March. Microcephaly, cerebral palsy, deep mental handicap


Ruslan Boy. 11 years old. Down Syndrome. Already Transferred.

Reign.  Girl. 14 years old. Cerebral Palsy and deep mental handicap.

Yule. Boy. 4 years old. Down Syndrome with congential heart defect.
Yule (2)

Nehemiah. Boy. Turned 14 years old this month. Cerebral palsy and a difficult mental handicap.
Vm (2)

Diederick. Boy. Roughly 3-4 years old. May have a mild case of cerebral palsy and a noticeable crossed eye.

Carissa.  Girl. 6 years old. Some mental and physical disabilities.

Donna. Girl. 3 years old. hydrocephalus (internal hydrocephalus as a result of suffered
meningitis); spastic tetraparesis; prematurity; retinopathy of prematurity; collapse of lungs; prenatal infection; heart disease:  open arterial duct (condition after surgery on August 10, 2011), open oval window, anomalous chord of the left heart ventricle


These are just a few of the kids I know by name. When I hear or read their name I instantly know who it is. These are just a few of the thousands of children orphaned and neglected because they were born with a disability. They are being forced to live a life in bed. They need to be rescued and given the proper care that they deserve. Click on their names. Read their stories (if they have one). Share one of them or all of them. You never know how God could use a sharing of one of these precious babes.
Share. Pray. Advocate. Donate.

Lord please help us find a family for each and ever child on here. Please keep your hands on these children Lord. Please lead families to them before it is too late. Lord I just ask that you will provide them with the love, care, and support that they need. Especially the love. They haven't been loved in a very long time, if ever. Please put them in families who will love them just as much as they love their own. Thank you God. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

God bless, and much Love,

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