I love smiling.
People who are close to me and maybe even those who aren't say that they love my smile.
I used to use it to hide how I was feeling. I'd just throw on my happy face and go about my day. Hiding all the sadness and hurt behind a little lift of my cheeks. Most people would walk by me and think nothing was wrong. When really my heart was so hurt I didn't know what to do other than smile.
But I have learned that everyone is fighting their own fight. No matter how rough it is compared to what you're going through or have been through everyone is going through something.
When I was going through my hard time I would be unusually sensitive. I've learned that for me little things set me off in a way that it shouldn't. I would go off like a bomb and I wouldn't be able to control it. Someone would say or do something that would light the fuse and I would become a mad, crying, blubbering mess and it wouldn't matter where I was or what was going on. I would just break down. This taught me that there is no reason to be mean or harsh to someone. You never ever know what's going on behind the scenes.
If you're my friend on Facebook or follow me on Instagram you would have seen a selfie (I know I post a lot of them) with a caption saying "You never know what someone's going through. Smile all the time. You could change someone's day. Or maybe even their life."
I know that when would smile at me on my bad days it would just lift me up so much. I would just get to being so happy. It didn't usually last for long but for the moment it felt amazing.
I am not a believer in New Years resolutions because I can never keep them. But this year, it's my goal to make someone at least smile every day.
I was listening to Air 1 radio today while driving to work and the lady said she doesn't have a resolution for the whole year but resolution for each day. Her daily resolution was to not waste the day. Every day do something good for someone. Make someone smile. Make someone's day. For the year 2016, I don't wanna go to bed a single day saying "today was a waste" if I can make just one person smile my day won't go to waste. Who knows what that person was going through.
My favorite place to be especially smiley is Walmart. Or any other grocery store. No one really wants to be there. Well actually, I love smiling. Wherever I am. I just love to smile.
So join me in my smile challenge. Challenge yourself to make someone smile everyday for a week. Smiling is contagious. I've found that when I smile at someone they usually smile back.
Smile. You never know what someone's going through behind the scenes. A simple smile might make their day. Or maybe even their life. :)
God bless and many smiles,