Samson went from being chunky with rosy red cheeks to being skin and bones with such pale, pasty white skin in just two short years. He went from eating normally to having to eat by a n-g tube. Sadly his mommy hasn't found him yet.
Samson at under 1 year:
So cute and with such pinchable cheeks.
Samson between ages 1 and 2:
So skinny and frail, needing a mommy to love him and get his pinchable cheeks back.
Samson, present:
With the NG tube and wanting a mommy to come rescue him ASAP.
Samson has condition after perinatal asphyxia; respiratory distress syndrome; hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy; neonatal infection; seizure syndrome; averagely large ASD (atrial septal defect) type 2; significantly delayed development.
He may have a scary list of diagnosis' but he still needs to be loved. If he recieved the right medical care and a whole lot of TLC he would have those chubby, rosy pink cheeks back. Please mama look at his pictures and go rescue your son.
Samson your family is out there. Hang in there little buddy.
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