Roughly 2000 years ago, a man died on a cross along with 2 thieves. And then three days later he rose from the dead. I'm sure you all know this story, but for some reason this one affected me differently than the past 16 Easter's. I don't know why and I may not ever know why.
Throughout this Holy day, God gave me many reminders of what today was. It's almost like the whole day was opening Resurrection eggs (well we did do that in Children's church but that's be sides the point).
This morning on our way to church driving up the same road we drive up several times a week, we saw a car with the license plate that said "3 NAILS". I have lived in this state for my whole life. Lived in this city for 10+ years and I have never seen that license plate before.
Tonight at dinner, we did a toast and my grandpa raised his wine glass and I raised what I had in my hand which was bread. That reminded me of communion, the blood and the body, the bread and the wine.
Tonight as we drove home from my grandparents house and I watched the sun set. It was so beautiful. I thought "what a beautiful ending to such a beautiful Easter day." It reminded me that Jesus was now in heaven and painted the sky beautifully tonight. He ascended into heaven to be with His father.
I love that God showed me all of these meaningful things on such a meaningful day. This year I saw and felt the real meaning of this Easter Sunday.
Luke 24
I will leave you with this link and some song lyrics.
Glorious Day by Casting Crowns (with lyrics but I'm also posting the lyrics in case you don't wanna listen to it)
This morning I had this song stuck in my head. I was hoping we would sing it in church this morning and we did! I was so happy!
One day when Heaven was filled with His praises
One day when sin was as black as could be
Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin
Dwelt among men, my example is He
Word became flesh and the light shined among us
His glory revealed
Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carried my sins far away
Rising, He justified freely forever
One day He's coming
Oh glorious day, oh glorious day
One day they led Him up Calvary's mountain
One day they nailed Him to die on a tree
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He
Hands that healed nations, stretched out on a tree
And took the nails for me
One day the grave could conceal Him no longer
One day the stone rolled away from the door
Then He arose, over death He had conquered
Now He's ascended, my Lord evermore
Death could not hold Him, the grave could not keep Him
From rising again
One day the trumpet will sound for His coming
One day the skies with His glories will shine
Wonderful day, my Beloved One, bringing
My Savior, Jesus, is mine
Glorious day, Oh, Glorious day
Hope you all had a wonderful Resurrection Day!!!!!
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Happy National Siblings Day!!!!
In honor of National Siblings day I figured it would be appropriate to share one set of Siblings from RR. But why only share one when I can share them all!!!! Tonight I'm going to share all the siblings in the Other Angel Siblings category. Maybe you or someone you know will adopt a set of siblings!!!
Lord, Please give all of these wonderful blessings families to love them!
Please scroll all the way to the bottom!!!
Clayton and Caleb
Twin boys. August 2010
William and Tommy
Brody and Auggie
Bert and Ernie
Twins: Nadia and Nancy HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED!!!
Sawyer and Finn
Jasper and Jasmin Boy/Girl Twins
(No Photos available)
Trisha and Tyler
Molly and Marcey
Lucy and Linus
Mason and Madison
Hunter, Forest, and Ridge
Eva and Ella
(no photos avalaible)
Jack and Jill
(No photos avalaible)
Gracie and George
George and Martha
Samantha and Kristina HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED!!!
Monday, April 7, 2014
Samson is now resting in paradise with Jesus.
Samson went from being chunky with rosy red cheeks to being skin and bones with such pale, pasty white skin in just two short years. He went from eating normally to having to eat by a n-g tube. Sadly his mommy hasn't found him yet.
Samson at under 1 year:

So cute and with such pinchable cheeks.
Samson between ages 1 and 2:

So skinny and frail, needing a mommy to love him and get his pinchable cheeks back.
Samson, present:

With the NG tube and wanting a mommy to come rescue him ASAP.
Samson has condition after perinatal asphyxia; respiratory distress syndrome; hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy; neonatal infection; seizure syndrome; averagely large ASD (atrial septal defect) type 2; significantly delayed development.
He may have a scary list of diagnosis' but he still needs to be loved. If he recieved the right medical care and a whole lot of TLC he would have those chubby, rosy pink cheeks back. Please mama look at his pictures and go rescue your son.
Samson your family is out there. Hang in there little buddy.
Samson went from being chunky with rosy red cheeks to being skin and bones with such pale, pasty white skin in just two short years. He went from eating normally to having to eat by a n-g tube. Sadly his mommy hasn't found him yet.
Samson at under 1 year:
So cute and with such pinchable cheeks.
Samson between ages 1 and 2:
So skinny and frail, needing a mommy to love him and get his pinchable cheeks back.
Samson, present:
With the NG tube and wanting a mommy to come rescue him ASAP.
Samson has condition after perinatal asphyxia; respiratory distress syndrome; hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy; neonatal infection; seizure syndrome; averagely large ASD (atrial septal defect) type 2; significantly delayed development.
He may have a scary list of diagnosis' but he still needs to be loved. If he recieved the right medical care and a whole lot of TLC he would have those chubby, rosy pink cheeks back. Please mama look at his pictures and go rescue your son.
Samson your family is out there. Hang in there little buddy.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
misc. updates
I've been so busy lately that I've had no time to blog! So many good things have happened!!!
Greta has moved to the My Family Found Me page. Along with Evan and Janna
Nothing makes me happier than knowing that orphans are going to be loved.
I'm so backed up on sharing 100 programs this year. I plan to get going on that again really soon.
I have applied to go to a leadership conference this summer and I should hear if I've been chosen this month some time. Please pray that I get chosen.
I am part of the team raising money ($10,000 by June 1) for the orphans in Ukraine fighting atrophy with massage. So far I have only raised $40. I'd appreciate it if you feel led by the Lord to donate, you can donate here. Thanks so much!!!!!!
My cousin Taylor with CP turned 18 years old yesterday. She was due July 20, 1996 ams was born via emergency c-section on April 5, 1996. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAY!!!!!!
Stay tuned for posts on specific children in need of families.
Greta has moved to the My Family Found Me page. Along with Evan and Janna
Nothing makes me happier than knowing that orphans are going to be loved.
I'm so backed up on sharing 100 programs this year. I plan to get going on that again really soon.
I have applied to go to a leadership conference this summer and I should hear if I've been chosen this month some time. Please pray that I get chosen.
I am part of the team raising money ($10,000 by June 1) for the orphans in Ukraine fighting atrophy with massage. So far I have only raised $40. I'd appreciate it if you feel led by the Lord to donate, you can donate here. Thanks so much!!!!!!
My cousin Taylor with CP turned 18 years old yesterday. She was due July 20, 1996 ams was born via emergency c-section on April 5, 1996. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAY!!!!!!
Stay tuned for posts on specific children in need of families.
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