Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving and some Updates

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I have so many many things to be thankful for this year. I am only going to list a few things that I am thankful for in this post, but note that I could write a novel on just things that I am thankful for.

  • Jesus, my Lord and Savior for suffering so that I won't have to
  • The caring heart that God has given me to care so much for these orphans
  • All of my supporters in this blog and of my fundraising and Angel Tree
  • That I am alive and healthy
  • I am celebrating this holiday with people I love and who love me
  • my job
  • That I am capable of typing this post while bouncing a baby in his bouncy seat
  • google (heehee)
  • and many many many more
I had my shooting competition on November 14th and we raised $640 which was split between Nicholas and Marlowe. We also had a chili cook off on November 22nd and we raised $161 which has yet to be put into their accounts because I haven't made it to the bank yet. 

I could not do this without all of your prayers and support. Please continue to support and pray as you feel led. 

If you would like to donate to either Nicholas or Marlowe you can here:

Have a happy happy Thanksgiving!!!