Simon and Samuel have a family!!!! Praise God!!!!!
God made everyone how He wanted. He didn't make any mistakes. Even if you or someone you love were born with different abilities, God didn't mess up on you or them. Just like He didn't mess in on Salome.
Wednesday, I believe it was, my heart broke when I saw twins with Down Syndrome on the newly listed page on Reece's Rainbow. Twin boys who are barely three months old. Thankfully, they are already listed to be adopted. Sadly, I'm too young to adopt still. These boys are known as
Simon and Samuel. We can work to get these precious gifts from God home before their first birthday.

(images from
Reece's Rainbow)
They possibly won't have to wait 16 years like
Salome, who by the way ages out in
ten, yes TEN days. They could be home by Christmas.
Maybe they are your sons. I wish they were mine, oh I do. Maybe they are your brothers. I wish they were mine. I'd love to get these boys out before they actually know what is going on. They may not even remember being orphans if we break them out fast enough.
Please consider adopting these precious boys. Please don't forget about
Salome. Please pray for her family to find her. If you are even considering Salome act now. Her adoption is FULLY FUNDED. Please don't wait any longer.
Simon and Samuel are 2-3months old. Let's get them out!!!